Program Committee

Mission Statement: To develop the Annual Meeting program, evaluate abstracts, identify symposia and speakers, identify all sessions' convenors, and oversee Developing Scientist Awards Committee.

Next Meeting

Virtual: Throughout the year

In-Person: IAFP 2025

July 2025, Huntington Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio

How to Join

Involvement in committees and professional development groups (PDGs) offers Members the opportunity to share a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Members of committees and PDGs are the architects of the Association structure. They plan, develop and institute many of the Association's projects, including workshops, publications and educational sessions. Technical challenges facing the food safety industry are discussed, examined and debated. Members may volunteer to serve on any number of committees or PDGs that plan and implement activities to meet the Association's mission.

Standing Committees provide operational or functional support to IAFP. Individuals are appointed by the President-Elect and confirmed by the Executive Board. Membership appointments are for 3-year terms on a rotating basis with balanced representation from education, government and industry. All appointments may be renewed for one additional term. Requests for membership on a Standing Committee should be made by following the instructions here.

Past Program Committee Chairs

Board Responses

2024 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. 1. None
2023 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. None.
2022 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. 1. The Program Committee Recommends that the Wednesday poster session presentations end at 1:45 p.m. The presentation times for authors would be 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. and then all Wednesday poster presenters would be present from 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

    Board Response: The Board agrees to adjust the presentation times for posters presented on Wednesday but believes the posters should continue to be displayed until 3:00 p.m.

2021 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. None.
2020 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. None
2019 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. None
2018 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. Evaluate start and break times to allow attendees more time at posters and exhibits during morning and afternoon breaks.

    Board Response: Staff will investigate and report to the Board.

2017 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. The Program Committee recommends that the Board evaluate exhibit hall hours.

    Board Response: Exhibit hall hours have been discussed annually. What reasoning is behind this recommendation?

  2. The Program Committee would like to explore the possibility of badge scanning for session rooms.

    Board Response: Additional justification for session room scanning is requested from the Program Committee.

  3. The Program Committee recommends a new approach to encouraging PDG collaboration.

    Board Response: The Board welcomes ideas for a new approach from the Program Committee.

2015 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. Consider arranging Webinars for symposia that were good proposals, but were not accepted.

    Board Response: Agree.

  2. Make sure PDGs have clear direction for proposals and PDG meetings.

    Board Response: A teleconference with PDG Chairs will be held prior to the submission deadline to review the submission process and to point out what makes a successful submission.