Affiliate FAQs

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about our Affiliates, the Affiliate Membership process and what IAFP can do for your organization.

  • What can IAFP do for its Affiliates?

    For Affiliate meetings, IAFP provides current issues of its renowned journals and select promotional materials for distribution; a complimentary IAFP Membership certificate for auction or door prize; and a tabletop display or poster for exhibiting the IAFP resources. Our Executive Board Speaker Program and Expanded Speaker List assist you in affording quality speakers for your program. When you maintain regular communications with IAFP, our staff is able to advertise your meetings in our journal and online calendars, direct prospective members to your Affiliate Contact, and promote your organization through articles and photos in the Affiliate View quarterly. Additionally, Affiliate accomplishments are on prominent display at the IAFP Annual Meeting, which attracts more than 3,500 attendees.

  • How do I find or join an IAFP Affiliate?

    There are presently 57 IAFP Affiliates worldwide. Start by selecting “Affiliate Web Sites” or “Affiliate Officers” to determine if an Affiliate organization exists in your area. Not all Affiliates utilize a website, but current contact information for all chapters is published on the Affiliate Officers list. You may also contact Susan Smith, Affiliate Staff Liaison, for assistance.

  • How do I organize and establish an IAFP Affiliate?

    The process for establishing an IAFP is fairly simple. When five or more IAFP Members agree to form an IAFP Affiliate organization, it is requested that they send the following items to IAFP Executive Director, Lisa Garcia: 1). a cover letter; 2). a list of initial officers appointed to govern the Affiliate; and 3). a copy of the organization’s Constitution and Bylaws. Please contact Susan Smith to obtain instructions for preparing these documents. The application is approved upon majority vote of the Executive Board, and a Charter is prepared for official presentation to the Affiliate.

    Sustaining an Affiliate is not as simple, since membership and commitments can change over time. To maintain the affiliation, Affiliate Officers are expected to honor obligations that include but are not limited to: having a minimum of five IAFP members in good standing in the Affiliate organization; holding a minimum of one meeting per year; sending an electronic Annual Report of Affiliate activities to IAFP; and providing representation at the annual IAFP Affiliate Council Meeting. It should be the objective of each Affiliate to operate in support of its membership (food safety professionals) by providing up-to-date information on issues relating to food protection and safety, advancements in technologies, and methods and effective measures taken to advance the cause of a safe and suitable food supply worldwide.

  • What is the financial relationship between IAFP and an IAFP Affiliate?

    IAFP Affiliates are under no direct financial obligation to IAFP. It is required that five members of each Affiliate, including the President and Delegate, maintain membership in IAFP. Some Affiliates have arranged for their members who also belong to IAFP to renew their dues to both associations at the same time through the IAFP office, which then forwards monthly the dues collected for those Affiliates.

  • What are the requirements for maintaining status as an IAFP Affiliate?

    To preserve the relationship between IAFP and its Affiliate chapters, each Affiliate is asked to meet the following requirements: 1) submit an Annual Report (forms provided by IAFP and due in March); 2) ensure IAFP Membership status for their President, Delegate to the IAFP Affiliate Council, and at least three other members (for a minimum total of five IAFP members); 3) meet annually or at least once within a period of two years; and 4) conduct their association’s affairs in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of IAFP. When one or more of these requirements is not honored, the Charter may be revoked in writing by due process of the IAFP Executive Board.

  • What is the IAFP Affiliate Council?

    The IAFP Affiliate Council meets officially at the IAFP Annual Meeting (location varies each year). Guests and visitors are welcome to observe the Affiliate Council Meeting but are not included in any voting that will impact Affiliate Council operations. Each IAFP Affiliate elects one person—an Affiliate Delegate—to represent its organization on the IAFP Affiliate Council. The Affiliate Council Secretary is nominated from this group of Affiliate Delegates and is elected by majority vote during the annual Affiliate Council Meeting, to serve with the Affiliate Council Chairperson. Officers of the Affiliate Council serve a three-year term commencing as Secretary, succeeding as Chairperson, and in the third year fulfilling duties as a reviewer of those Affiliates applying ffor Affiliate Awards. The Affiliate Council Chairperson represents the Affiliate Council on the IAFP Executive Board.

  • What are the duties of the Affiliate Council Chairperson and Secretary?

    The Affiliate Council Chairperson and Secretary are responsible for facilitating the Affiliate Council Meeting, recording the Council’s activities, and reporting to the IAFP Executive Board. Throughout the fiscal year, the officers are in contact with the IAFP Affiliate Staff Liaison to conduct business and assist in the preparation of the Affiliate View quarterly newsletter. Each spring, the officers are responsible for reviewing Affiliate Annual Reports submitted to IAFP and selecting those Affiliates deserving of recognition during the IAFP Annual Meeting Awards Banquet. Best of all, the Council’s officers get to answer FAQs about Affiliates!