
Mission Statement

To provide food safety professionals worldwide with a forum to exchange information on protecting the food supply.


Advancing Food Safety Worldwide®

Guidelines for Ethical Conduct

As members of the International Association for Food Protection, we recognize the importance of our profession in assuring the quality and safety of food throughout the world and, therefore accept a personal obligation to conduct ourselves according to the highest ethical and professional standards.

  • We will be honest, impartial and realistic in reporting data and providing analyses of such data.
  • We will accept and offer honest and objective review of each other’s contributions to the field of food protection.
  • We will treat all colleagues fairly and with respect, and we will properly credit the contributions of others.
  • We will guard against all conflict of interest or its appearance. We will respect and protect privileged information.
  • We will maintain and expand our professional knowledge and assist colleagues in pursuit of the same whenever possible.
  • We will use our knowledge and skills to advance food safety worldwide.

Policy on Meeting Safety & Responsibility of Attendees

Constitution & Bylaws

The International Association for Food Protection’s Constitution & Bylaws provide the necessary framework for our organization and helps us pursue our mission of Advancing Food Safety Worldwide®.

IAFP Constitution & Bylaws