Getting involved in IAFP’s Committees gives you the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with other Committee members, which in turn directly impacts the future of your profession and helps guide the efforts of the Association.
If you are interested in serving on a Committee, see our volunteer opportunities.
Standing Committees
Food Protection Trends Management Committee
Mission Statement: To provide guidance to the Executive Board on matters concerning Food Protection Trends.
Journal of Food Protection® Management Committee
Mission Statement: To provide guidance to the Executive Board on matters concerning the Journal of Food Protection®.
European Symposium Organizing Committee
Mission Statement: To develop the European Symposium program, evaluate abstracts, identify symposia topics and speakers, identify session convenors and oversee competition(s) at the symposium.
Program Committee
Mission Statement: To develop the Annual Meeting program, evaluate abstracts, identify symposia and speakers, identify all sessions' convenors, and oversee Developing Scientist Awards Committee.
Special Committees
3-A Committee on Sanitary Procedures
Mission Statement: To serve as IAFP representatives to the 3-A Sanitary Standards Committee; to provide ideas for IAFP Symposia, Roundtables, White Papers, Webinars and program ideas to the 3-A Sanitary Standards Annual Meeting
Awards Committee
Mission Statement: To select recipients for the IAFP awards.
Black Pearl Selection Committee
Mission Statement: To select the recipient of the Black Pearl Award.
Committee on Control of Foodborne Illness
Mission Statement: Reviews information on epidemiology and control of communicable diseases of primary concern to food safety and related areas, and prepares manuals and articles addressing investigation and control of food safety-related problems.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Mission Statement: To review and study the Constitution and Bylaws of IAFP and make recommendations to the Executive Board for changes to be considered for submission to the Membership for ratification.
Developing Scientist Awards Committee
Mission Statement: To select finalists and judge the Developing Scientist Awards Competition at the IAFP Annual Meeting.
Fellows Selection Committee
Mission Statement: To solicit nominations and make recommendations to the Executive Board for eligible Members to be confirmed as Fellows by the Executive Board.
Foundation Committee
Mission Statement: To oversee IAFP Foundation monies, solicit gifts to the Foundation, and identify and fund programs which further the goals and objectives of the Association
Membership Committee
Mission Statement: To develop strategies to retain current members and attract new members.
Nominating Committee
Mission Statement: To select and submit names of nominees for the office of Executive Board Secretary for election by the IAFP Membership.
Past Presidents' Committee
Mission Statement: To serve as an advisory committee to the Executive Board.
Tellers Committee
Mission Statement: To count and certify the results of each election and other membership votes.
Webinar Committee
Mission Statement: To plan, develop and promote webinars on topics of interest to the IAFP Membership and the food safety community
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council
Mission Statement: Advise and lead IAFP in implementing and promoting equitable practices while fostering a culture of inclusivity for all members.
IAFP Complete Committee Minutes
- Committee Minutes — 2024
- Committee Minutes — 2023
- Committee Minutes — 2022
- Committee Minutes — 2021
- Committee Minutes — 2020
- Committee Minutes — 2019
- Committee Minutes — 2018
- Committee Minutes — 2017
- Committee Minutes — 2016
- Committee Minutes — 2015
- Committee Minutes — 2014
- Committee Minutes — 2013
- Committee Minutes — 2012
- Committee Minutes — 2011
- Committee Minutes — 2010
- Committee Minutes — 2009
- Committee Minutes — 2008
- Committee Minutes — 2007
Supporting Documents
Board Responses to the Committee Recommendations
- 2024 Recommendations
- 2023 Recommendations
- 2022 Recommendations
- 2021 Recommendations
- 2020 Recommendations
- 2019 Recommendations
- 2018 Recommendations
- 2017 Recommendations
- 2016 Recommendations
- 2015 Recommendations
- 2014 Recommendations
- 2013 Recommendations
- 2012 Recommendations
- 2011 Recommendations
- 2010 Recommendations
Request to Join
Involvement in committees and professional development groups (PDGs) offers Members the opportunity to share a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Members of committees and PDGs are the architects of the Association structure. They plan, develop and institute many of the Association's projects, including workshops, publications and educational sessions. Technical challenges facing the food safety industry are discussed, examined and debated. Members may volunteer to serve on any number of committees or PDGs that plan and implement activities to meet the Association's mission.