Mission Statement: To work towards understanding the factors that affect the emergence, persistence, transmission and ecological niches of pathogens that may impact human health at the pre-harvest food safety level.
How to Join
Involvement in committees and professional development groups (PDGs) offers Members the opportunity to share a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Members of committees and PDGs are the architects of the Association structure. They plan, develop and institute many of the Association's projects, including workshops, publications and educational sessions. Technical challenges facing the food safety industry are discussed, examined and debated. Members may volunteer to serve on any number of committees or PDGs that plan and implement activities to meet the Association's mission.
Membership on a PDG is voluntary (not by appointment) and may vary from year to year.
IAFP Members can manage their PDG involvement by logging in to the IAFP Web site. At the Member Dashboard, click “Edit Profile.” Your profile has two tabs: Contact Info and Professional Info. Select the Professional Info tab and update the PDGs you would like to participate in. We highly recommend that you contact the PDG chairperson for each group to let them know you have joined their PDG.
Non-members can contact Dina Siedenburg, dsiedenburg@foodprotection.org, for more information.
- Jul 14, 2024
- Jul 16, 2023
- Jul 1, 2021
- Jul 21, 2019
- Jul 8, 2018
- Jul 9, 2017
- Jul 31, 2016
- Jul 25, 2015
- Aug 3, 2014
- Jul 28, 2013
- Jul 22, 2012
- Jul 31, 2011
- Aug 1, 2010
Board Responses
2024 Board Response to Recommendations
1. The PDG recommends Dr. Rafael Davila to serve as the PDG vice chair for the next year and the PDG chair for the following two years.
Board Response: Response: Agree.
2023 Board Response to Recommendations
Recommends Dr. Camila Rodrigues (Auburn University) to serve as the PDG Chair for the next 2 years. There is a call for Vice Chair nominations.
Board Response: Approved.
2022 Board Response to Recommendations
2021 Board Response to Recommendations
2020 Board Response to Recommendations
2019 Board Response to Recommendations
Approval of Dr. Issmat Kassem for the Vice Chair of the PDG.
Board Response: Agree.
2018 Board Response to Recommendations
Recommend approval of Dr. Peyman Fatemi as Vice Chair
of the PDG.
Board Response: Agree.
2017 Board Response to Recommendations
We suggest sending a copy of the finalized symposium topics to the student PDG members so that they also can look at them and have a chance to participate in symposia of interest.
Board Response: Agree, preliminary symposium topics are sent to all PDG Chairs and Vice Chairs (including the Student PDG).
2016 Board Response to Recommendations
Recommend Dr. Walid Alali to the Vice Chair of the PDG
Board Response: Agree
Suggest sending a copy of the finalized symposia topics to the student PDG members so that they also can look at them and have a chance to participate in symposia of interest.
Board Response: All PDG Chairs (or Vice Chairs) participate in a teleconference where the symposium topics are reviewed to inform all PDGs on topics of interest. PDG Chairs (including the Student PDG) should share this list with their members.
2015 Board Response to Recommendations
Recommend having new, upcoming, young scientists as speakers to give them platform for exposure. It will also capture the attention of the program committee.
Board Response: The Board encourages this action.
Suggest having a session on international food safety policies.
Board Response: Agreed and suggest that the International Food Safety PDG consider presentations on this topic.
Suggest sending a copy of the finalized symposia topics to the Student PDGs so that they also can look at them and have a chance to participate in symposia.
Board Response: The Student PDG leaders are on the distribution list of PDG Chairs and Vice Chairs and should receive the proposals and finalized symposium topics.
2014 Board Response to Recommendations
The Pre Harvest PDG committee recommends Dr. Bassam A. Annous as the new Vice Chair for 2014-2016.
Board Response: Approved.
As a solution to getting equal representation by all PDGs on symposia, it was suggested that at least one symposium by each PDG be selected for presentation. Selections are to be made after ranking all presented topics per PDG, and the most popular topic will be picked for presentation. Dr. Paula Cray suggested that the solution proposed may pose to be a difficult model.
Board Response: The Board will encourage the Program Committee to consider this request.