Constitution and Bylaws Committee

Mission Statement: To review and study the Constitution and Bylaws of IAFP and make recommendations to the Executive Board for changes to be considered for submission to the Membership for ratification.

Next Meeting

Virtual Meetings- TBD throughout the year as needed

In-Person: IAFP 2025

                    07/27/2025 — 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

                    Room 11

                    Huntington Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio

A full listing of PDG nad Committee Meetings can be found here:

How to Join

Involvement in committees and professional development groups (PDGs) offers Members the opportunity to share a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Members of committees and PDGs are the architects of the Association structure. They plan, develop and institute many of the Association's projects, including workshops, publications and educational sessions. Technical challenges facing the food safety industry are discussed, examined and debated. Members may volunteer to serve on any number of committees or PDGs that plan and implement activities to meet the Association's mission.

Special Committees provide support services to IAFP on a continuous basis. Individuals are recommended by the President-Elect and confirmed by the Executive Board. Membership appointments are for 2-year renewable terms. Requests for membership should be directed to the Chairperson.

Board Responses

2024 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. 1. We recommend that the Executive Board direct Lisa to work to add language to the website to clarify how the association handles a lapse in membership greater than 90 days, including situations where a major life event causes a lapse in membership.

    Board Response: Board Response: The Board agrees. The staff will work to update the website.

  2. 2. We recommend that the Executive Board direct Constitution and Bylaws Committee to propose changes to Constitution and Bylaws to remove/dissolve the 3-A Committee.

    Board Response: Board Response: The Board directs the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to review the Constitution and Bylaws and propose the revisions to dissolve the 3-A Committee.

  3. 3. We recommend that the Executive Board direct Constitution and Bylaws Committee to propose changes to Constitution and Bylaws regarding general procedures to dissolve and create PDGs or Committees.

    Board Response: Board Response: The Board directs the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to review the Constitution and Bylaws and propose general procedures to dissolve and create PDGs or Committees.

  4. 4. We recommend that the Executive Board direct Constitution and Bylaws Committee to propose changes to Constitution and Bylaws to remove the prohibition on Honorary Life Members serving in Board positions.

    Board Response: Board Response: The Board directs the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to review the Constitution and Bylaws and propose the revisions to remove the prohibition on Honorary Life Members.

2023 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. The committee recommends that the Executive Board review our suggestion to modify by-laws section 5c3 by adding the following text: Executive Board will appoint an Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Food Protection from within the ranks of Current Scientific Editors for the Journal of Food Protection. The Editor-in-Chief will be appointed to a 4-year term, renewable until the end of that Scientific Editor’s term or 4 more years. The appointee should have already served at least one year as Scientific Editor. The board will establish appropriate compensation for the Editor-in-Chief. Explanation: The intent of the committee from this Response is that Scientific Editors will serve a maximum of 12 years. An Editor-in-Chief could serve a maximum of 16 years (including time as a Scientific Editor and time as Editor in Chief).

    Board Response: The Board approves the modification and will announce the proposed change to the IAFP Bylaws in the IAFP Report in April and a vote will be held at the 2024 IAFP Business meeting.

  2. Committee recommends that the Executive Board appoint Nate Anderson as Constitution and Bylaws Committee Vice Chair.

    Board Response: Approved.

2022 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. 1. The committee recommends that the Executive Board discuss the status of Honorary Life Members versus Retired Members and their ability to hold Executive Board office and if they see fit direct the Constitution and Bylaws Committee appropriately.

    Board Response: The Board discussed the differing treatment of Honorary Life Members and Retired Members and felt the Bylaws were appropriately written.

2021 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. 1. Section VI B 1.2.1 of Bylaws – remove names of awards that are listed since this list is no longer comprehensive.

    Board Response: Agree.

  2. 2. Section VI B 1.2.1 of Bylaws – Add the following statement at the end of this section: “Other Awards may be presented at the IAFP Annual Meeting that are not IAFP Awards, with Board Approval.”

    Board Response: Agree.

  3. 3. Examine and restructure the Awards Committee to make it similar to the other standing committees of IAFP.

    Board Response: Agree.

  4. 4. Recommend approval of Don Schaffner to serve as Vice Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

    Board Response: Agree.

2020 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. Section 1.2.1 of Bylaws – remove names of awards that are listed since this list is no longer comprehensive.

    Board Response: Agree.

  2. Section 1.2.1 of Bylaws – Add the following statement at the end of this section: “Other Awards may be presented at the IAFP Annual Meeting that are not IAFP Awards, with Board Approval.”

    Board Response: Agree.

  3. Examine and restructure the Awards Committee to make it similar to the other Special Committees of IAFP.

    Board Response: Agree.

  4. Approve invitation of two new members to the Committee, one each from industry and government, to replace committee members who have left the Committee in recent years.

    Board Response: Agree. Please provide suggested new Members so invitations can be issued.

2019 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. The list of Award Committees in the Bylaws should be updated to be consistent with current practices. That is, the current list is outdated and removal of actual names of awards and use of more generic wording would allow the Bylaws to be correct regardless of the addition of or removal of awards.

    Board Response: Agree

  2. Approve invitation of three new members to the committee, one each from industry, academia and government, to replace committee members who have left the committee over the past few years.

    Board Response: Agree

  3. Approve Jennifer Quinlan as Vice-Chair to complete the term vacated by Michelle Danyluk and then to serve as Chair beginning August 2, 2020.

    Board Response: Agree

  4. Approve Bobby Krishna to serve as Vice-Chair beginning August 2, 2020.

    Board Response: Agree

2018 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. The Committee recommends that language be included in the Chair and Vice Chair handbook to clarify no quorum is needed for PDGs, Standing, or Special Committees.

    Board Response: Agree. Quorum requirements are negated since policy or spending requests are always reviewed by the Board prior to implementation.

  2. The Committee recommends that language be included in the Chair and Vice Chair handbook to overview the key points of Roberts Rules of Order and their applicability to PDG, Standing, and Special Committee meetings, and that an annual presentation on Roberts Rules of Order be included in the Committee/PDG Chair and Vice Chair’s Saturday Meeting.

    Board Response: Agree.

  3. The list of Award Committees in the Bylaws be reviewed for consistency with current practices. Should changes be required the IAFP Staff should report back to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

    Board Response: Agree. Generic language should be considered.

2017 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. Consider whether to add a statement to the Bylaws about a quorum for Standing and Special Committees. In case a quorum is not present to transact necessary business, the special and standing committees should be authorized to act in the best interests of IAFP.

    Board Response: Language should be provided by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for consideration by the Board before presenting to the Membership for a vote.

  2. The Board should contact members of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee whose two-year renewable terms are ending to inquire whether they want to continue for another two-year renewable term. This ensures active involvement and the ability to invite/welcome replacement members for those who are no longer active.

    Board Response: Agree, staff will follow up with current Committee members.

  3. Extend an invitation to the Past Chair of the Student PDG to serve on the Constitution and Bylaws Committee as a career building opportunity on a one year renewable term.

    Board Response: Agree, Constitution and Bylaws Committee should contact the Student PDG to solicit for a student liaison.

  4. Renewed recommendation for the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to provide a refresher on the basics of Roberts Rules of Order in the meeting of Chairs and Vice Chairs at the 2018 meeting.

    Board Response: Agree, Constitution and Bylaws Committee is requested to provide this refresher and a tip sheet for Chairs and Vice Chairs.

2016 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. Recommend refresher on the basics of Roberts Rules of Order in PDG Chair and Vice Chair meeting next year.

    Board Response: Agree

  2. To remind all IAFP Members to clearly pronounce all letters of “IAFP’s” acronym so as to not sound like other similar association acronyms.

    Board Response: Agree

  3. Provide in the rationale the name of the group/origin of the change for any proposed Constitution or Bylaws change.

    Board Response: Agree

  4. Approval of Melanie Neumann as Vice Chair.

    Board Response: Agree

2015 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. None.
2014 Board Response to Recommendations
  1. Recommendation: Approve election of Jenny Scott as Vice-Chairperson.

    Board Response: Approved.

  2. Recommendation: For future meetings, distribute committee agendas/ minutes by uploading agendas to meeting app and IAFP annual meeting website and provide a link to the published minutes which are already on the IAFP website.

    Board Response: Staff will investigate this option and implement it for IAFP 2015, if feasible. Staff will investigate this option and implement it for IAFP 2015, if feasible.