Matrix Additions Part 2: Alternative Approaches for Rapid Pathogen Detection Methods

Webinar Description

Organized by: Applied Laboratory Methods PDG

The food safety industry recognizes the increasing need for the most prudent, scientifically, and economically sound approaches to method validation and verification for pathogen methods. The scope of certified methods available from test kit providers for significant pathogens is limited to the matrices included in the validation study. With tens of thousands of food products on the market, third-party validations of all matrices at all test portion sizes is not cost-efficient or feasible. Matrix studies can extend the use of a method to a food not included in the original validation and be used to ensure that a method is fit-for-purpose for the end-user. Part 2 of this webinar series will dive deeper into the complexities of matrix evaluation and method performance. Examples of food-similarity grouping and the application of a risk-based questionnaire will be presented to help end-users determine an appropriate level of evaluation for their method of choice.

Learning Objectives:
1. Decipher the critical parameters of rapid pathogen detection method and the intrinsic properties of food matrices that may affect method performance.
2. Learn the proposed levels of matrix evaluation as they relate to matrix risk assessment.
3. Outline considerations for strain selection and sample spiking procedures for matrix evaluation.
Understand how to use the Applied Laboratory Methods PDG's Matrix Risk Assessment Tool and interpret the outcome.

Professional Development Groups

  • Applied Laboratory Methods Professional Development Group


  • Amanda Brookhouser-Sisney, Presenter Midwest Laboratories
  • Nisha Corrigan, Presenter Hygiena
  • Jaya Sundaram, Moderator WTI, Inc