IAFP's European Symposium on Food Safety - Munich, Germany

IAFP's European Symposium on Food Safety
4-6 May 2022
Munich, Germany
Since 2005, IAFP's European symposium has been shaping the future of food safety by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas with colleagues from across Europe working in industry, government, and academia. The Symposium is an excellent forum to gain knowledge about the latest developments and techniques in food science and safety. The symposium will be held 4-6 May 2022 in Munich, Germany.
For more information visit: www.foodprotection.org/europeansymposium
Events & Meetings
Past Locations
Asia Pacific Symposium
- 2021 Hong Kong (virtual)
- 2016 Penang, Malaysia
- 2013 Taipei, Taiwan
- 2011 Melbourne, Australia
- 2009 Seoul, South Korea
Latin American Symposium
- 2020 Santiago, Chile (virtual)
- 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 2016 Cancun, Mexico
- 2014 Iguassu Falls, Brazil
- 2012 Lima, Peru
- 2010 Bogota, Colombia
- 2008 Campinas, Brazil