Program Information
Ivan Parkin and John H. Silliker Lecture Information
Preliminary Program Topics
- 20 Years of Consumer Insights: What IFIC’s Food & Health Survey Tells Us About Consumers and Food Safety
- A Decade of Food Safety Culture: Advancing Food Safety Through Organizational Culture and Human Behaviors
- A Good Fit. Leveraging EMP into Retail and Food Service Operations
- Addressing the Emerging Threat of Psychoactive Compounds in Food
- Advancements in HPAI Research: Updates on Transmission, Dairy Safety, and Risk Assessment
- Advancing Food Safety Education through Employee Engagement Initiatives
- AI for Predictive Microbial Risk Assessment in Food Processing
- AI in Action: Transforming Food Safety with Smart Detection, Automation, and Ethical Solutions
- Allergen Management in Hospitality Venues
- An In-Depth Look at International Collaborative Foodborne Outbreak Investigations
- Avian Influenza and Virus Confirmations – Be Careful What You Wish For
- Battling Mold in Low Moisture Foods and Pet Treats
- Best Practices for Food Safety Communication: Recommendations and Realities
- Beyond Slime: Why Dry Surface Biofilms Need a New Approach to Food Hygiene
- Can "Exceptional Lethality" During Thermal Processing Act as a Preventive Control and Obviate the Need for a 5-log Pathogen Reduction Requirement?
- Career GPS: Guiding Your Professional Journey
- Challenges and Opportunities around the new FSMA Preharvest Agricultural Water Rule: Safety, Sustainability, and the Need for Integrated Water Resource Management
- Combatting Food Fraud: Leveraging Innovation, Traceability, and AI for a Safer Global Food Supply
- Comparing Different Approaches to Identify Salmonella Serotypes of Concern in Meat and Poultry
- Consumer, Retail, and Regulatory Considerations to Address Global Food Waste
- Crossing the Finish Line: Industry's Race to FSMA 204 Compliance
- Cutting Through the Hype: Real-World Benefits of AI in Food Safety
- Daily Lunch Meat Safety: Listeria Outbreaks and Recalls Linked to Luncheon Meat
- Decoding Food Allergen Methods: Why, When, and How to Implement Analysis
- Decoding Regulatory and Public Health Uses of WGS: What Food Producers Should Know.
- Define “Lot”? Understanding New Regulatory Standards for Salmonella Contamination in Poultry Parts and Strategies for Ensuring Fil Product Safety
- Defining a Food Safety Data Standard
- Edibles & Drinkables – Food Safety Explorations at the Intersection of Food and Cannabis
- Effects of Climate Change on the Increase and Dissemination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria
- Emerging Technologies in Pathogen Reduction in Wheat Flour
- Empowering Education: Creating Inclusive and Engaging Training Programs
- End-to-End (E2E) Physical Hazards Risk Management In Pet foods For Safety and Health Of Companion Animals
- Food Allergies in Children – Measuring the Burden, Assessing the Evidence, and Advancing Awareness
- Food Safety in Correctional Facilities: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Development of Model Practices for Prevention and Control
- Food Safety in Farmers Markets and Informal Outdoor Food Markets in the U.S. and Abroad
- Food Traceability Rule Updates, Industry Compliance Preparation and Industry Training Curriculum
- Fragile Yet Devious; What Makes Campylobacter so Persistent?
- From Data to Decisions: Genomics/Metagenomics in FSQA Programs
- Fur Real and not Just a Bone to Pick: Pathogen Control in Manufacturing Raw Pet Food Diets
- Future-Proofing Retail Success: The Power of Food Safety Culture in a Rapidly Evolving Industry
- Genomic Testing and its Role in Food Safety Assurance
- Harmonization For Commercial Sterility Testing
- Implementing the Salmonella Framework for Poultry
- Implications of Extreme Weather on Food Safety from Farm-to-Fork and Beyond
- Innovations in the Dairy Cleaning and Sanitation: Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability Impacts
- Innovative Product Design for Quality and Food Safety – Creative Approaches to Novel Plant-Based Products Development
- Integrating Multidisciplinary Produce Safety Research to Inform Regulation
- International Efforts in Food Virology: The 2023-2024 FAO/WHO JEMRA Expert Consultations for the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene
- LFFM: Five Years of Success in Strengthening Food Safety
- Lingering Hazards: Conquering the Persistent Threats of Listeria and Salmonella in Deli Meats
- Listeria Control in Ready-to-Eat Foods: Addressing the Continued Challenge
- Listeria Quantification in Dairy and RTE: Challenges Innovations Perspectives
- Managing Chemical Hazards in Water Reused in Food Production and Processing
- Marketplace to Connect IAFP Professionals Worldwide on Food Safety in Asia
- Microbiome and Metagenomic Data Are Cheap and Detailed: What Now?
- Molecular Methods for the Detection of Spoilage Microorganisms
- Mycotoxin Mitigation and Control Measures in Treenut Production and Processing
- Myth Busting – Safety of Food Additives and Ingredients
- Navigating Food Safety and Regulatory Considerations for New and Novel Ingredient Approval Pathways for Innovations in Human and Animal Foods
- Navigating the Path: Dietary Supplements in the Food Safety Regulatory Landscape
- Novel Foods, Safety, Shelf Life, and Rapid Methods - Approaches to Test Method Design, Validation, and Application in Alternative Protein-Based Products
- Outbreak Symposium
- Outbreaks that Cantaloupe Be Ignored: Improving Food Safety and Protecting Public Health
- Practical Assessment of Risk is in Order: Are Modeling Tools Accessible to Boost?
- Preventive Controls, HACCP and Beyond: Effectiveness of Current Risk Reduction Strategies in the Global Food Supply Chain
- Promises and Challenges of Implementing Natural Antimicrobials from Farm to Fork
- Promoting Inclusive Environments to Foster Professional and Personal Growth in Food Safety Careers
- Reducing Food Loss and Waste – A Moral Responsibility.
- Risk Assessments for Precautionary Labeling Allergen Thresholds
- Risky business in LMIC and LICs
- Risky Business: Understanding and Communicating the Costs and Benefits of Risk Mitigation Programs for Food Safety
- Scientific Progress Towards Intelligent Design of Anti-noroviral Disinfection Products and Processes
- Shaping Tomorrow’s Table: The Future of Food Safety and Regulation in a Constantly Changing World
- Smoking for Food Safety – Clean Labeling and Integrated Strategies
- ..Let's "B. cereus"
- Standing Out in a Crowd: Why Some Salmonella Strains Break Through to Cause Illness
- Strategies for Managing Foreign Material Incidents in Food Production
- Surfaces, The Microbiome, and Listeria – How The Background Microbiome Influences Pathogen Detection
- Sustaining Food Safety Improvement Initiatives In Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs): Insights from Research and Practical Engagements
- The Evolving Landscape of Food Ingredient Safety in the United States
- The Frontlines of Food Safety Education: Challenges and Opportunities
- The Invisible Threat of Mycotoxins in the Fermentation Industry: A Food Safety Challenge of the 21st Century
- The Role of Moonlighting Proteins in the Adaptability and Success of Bacterial Pathogens In Vivo and In Vitro
- The Sanitizer Tango. How Can Microbiome Analysis and Biofilm Tools Broadly Improve Sanitation and Answer an Age-Old-Question: To Rotate or Not?
- The Tortuous Tangle of Water Regulations for Fresh Produce: Strategies to Navigate
- Tracking Sampling and Testing Strategies During Live Production and Pre-Harvest for Salmonella Reduction
- Trusted Data Sharing: Collective Learning for Food Safety Insights
- Unchartered Territory: The Importance of Genomic Surveys of Foodborne Pathogens From “Uncommon” Environments
- Validation and State of the Art Methods for Foodborne Parasites
- Warming the Frozen Food Supply Chain: Food Safety And Spoilage Implications
- What Do You Need from Your Validated Microbiological Methods?
- What’s the Hold Up? Safety and Spoilage Risks Associated with Handling of Raw Product Prior to Processing.
- When is a “Negative” Truly “Negative?”
- WHO Foodborne Disease Indicators: Measuring and Incentivizing Progress on Reducing Foodborne Illness Around the World