Exhibit Rules & Regulations

Regulations and Liability Statement for the Annual Meeting Exhibits

  1. Nature of the Annual Meeting Exhibits
    The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection (the Association) is an educational conference of a scientific nature. The Annual Meeting Exhibits are designed to complement the educational aspects of the Annual Meeting sessions. The goal of the Association in sponsoring Exhibits at the Annual Meeting is to provide another avenue for the exchange of ideas and information on existing food safety technologies and applications, new concepts and innovative designs, and the availability of food safety products and services. Only one company name will be allowed per exhibit space. Multiple booth spaces may be purchased.

  2. Admission
    Entrance to the exhibit area is by name badge only. Three (3) meeting registrations per booth space are included with your paid exhibit fee. Additional registrations are available at regular registration rates. Name badges for complementary registrations will be issued under the exhibiting company name only.

  3. Exhibit Set Up and Staffing
    Exhibitors must have their booth set up at least one hour prior to the opening of the display hours. Exhibitors are encouraged to staff their booth during all display hours but are expected to staff their booth, at a minimum, during breaks, lunches and receptions. Exhibitors assume all responsibility for their booth equipment and materials when not staffed.

  4. Fire and Safety
    All exhibits and portions thereof must fully comply with applicable health, fire, and safety regulations. No combustible decoration, such as crepe paper, tissue paper, cardboard, or corrugated paper shall be used at any time. All materials and fluids which are flammable must be kept in safety containers. Open flames, butane gas, oxygen tanks, etc. are not permitted without the written permission of the local Fire Prevention Bureau. No explosive materials or mixing of potentially explosive chemical combinations is permitted in the Exhibit Hall at any time.

  5. Food, Beverage or Cooking
    Distribution of any food or beverage item from an exhibitor's booth must be pre-approved by the Executive Director and must then be arranged through the facility's caterer.  Cooking is not permitted in the Exhibit Hall without prior approval from the Executive Director.

  6. Conduct of Exhibits
    The rights and privileges of an exhibitor shall not be infringed upon by any other exhibitor. Interviews, demonstrations, distribution of literature, etc. must be made inside the exhibitor’s area. Canvassing, solicitation of business, or the use of advertising material or signs by firms other than those who have contracted for space is prohibited. The distribution by exhibitors of circulars, catalogs, or other advertising materials for firms which are not exhibitors is prohibited. The Association has the right to decline or prohibit any display or portion thereof which in the opinion of the Association Executive Director is not proper or in keeping with the character of the exhibition. The Association may restrict displays which, because of noise, odors, acts, costumes, gimmicks, method of operation, materials, or for any reason become objectionable, and also may prohibit or evict any exhibit that, in the opinion of the Executive Director, may detract from the general character of the exhibition as a whole. This provision applies to persons, things, conduct, printed matter or anything of exhibition. In the event of such restriction or eviction, the Association is not liable for any refunds, rentals or other exhibit expenses.

  7. Conduct of Exhibitors
    Exhibitors will conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner at all times within the Exhibit Hall. Sales orders may be discretely taken in the exhibit area. No canvassing or distribution of materials outside of an exhibitor’s own rental space is permitted. Entry into other exhibitors’ booths without permission is prohibited. Examination, copying or photographing of other exhibitors’ equipment or materials without permission is prohibited.

  8. Care of Building and Equipment
    Nothing shall be posted on, tacked, nailed or screwed, or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floor, or other parts of the building, draperies or furniture. Anything in connection therewith necessary or proper for the protection of the building, equipment or furniture will be at the expense of the exhibitor. Exhibitors will be held responsible for any damage to persons or property caused by reason of their exhibits, employees, agents or servants.

  9. Character of the Exhibit
    Displays may consist of equipment, services, materials and products (within the limitations stated elsewhere on this form) of interest to meeting attendees.

  10. Cancellations, Indemnification, Subletting
    This application shall become a binding contract between the parties hereto upon its acceptance by the International Association for Food Protection. It is understood and agreed that in the event of the cancellation of the Annual Meeting this agreement shall terminate and the exhibitor shall pay for exhibit space only up to the time of termination, pro rata, and the exhibitor hereby waives any claims for damages or compensation should this agreement be so terminated. It is agreed that, should the exhibitor be restricted or evicted due to inappropriate conduct (as determined by the Executive Director) or violation of these or other stated or implied regulations, the exhibitor hereby waives any claims for damages or compensation.

    Should restriction or eviction occur, the exhibitor remains liable for the entire amount of exhibit space charges and/or other expenses incurred. Exhibitor agrees to protect, indemnify and hold harmless the Association from any and all liability, loss, damage or expense resulting from exhibitor’s use of the exhibit space. This agreement and the rights herein granted to the exhibitor may not be assigned or otherwise disposed of or encumbered by the exhibitor without the written consent of the Association. No subleasing of exhibit space is allowed.

  11. Insurance and Liability
    The exhibitor shall obtain general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 and provide proof of insurance to the Association. The risk of any damage or casualty shall be borne solely by the exhibitor. The exhibitor expressly acknowledges that the Association and its agents and employees assume no risk and by the acceptance of this Agreement, the exhibitor expressly releases the Association from any and all liability for damage, injury or loss to any person or goods, from any cause whatsoever. In addition, the exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Association from any and all causes of action, claims or liabilities which arise and may arise from the conduct or activity of the exhibitor at the Annual Meeting. All property shipped to and from the drayage firm or exhibit facility by the exhibitor for installation or display is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor and the Association has no liability for any damages incurred in such activity.  Insurance can be purchased through Rainprotection for $99.  Click HERE to purchase.

  12. Booth Description
    Exhibit booths are 10' wide × 10' deep. All exhibit booths will include back draping (8' high), side draping (2 1/2-3' high), one 6' skirted table, two standard chairs, and a 7" × 44" exhibitor identification sign. All other booth supplies, signs, carpet, equipment, furniture, utilities, etc. must be provided by exhibitors at their own expense.  Carpet is required as the exhibition takes place in an uncarpeted exhibit hall.  

  13. Display Restrictions
    All displays must be entirely contained within the exhibit booth dimensions, including tables, chairs, signs, etc. In straight-line exhibits, no item to be displayed may exceed a maximum height of 10 feet above the floor. All items to be displayed exceeding a height of 5' above the floor must remain in the rear 1/3 of the exhibit booth. In spaces 20' × 20' or larger, displays may extend up to, but not exceed, 20 feet in height. All items suspended from the ceiling may not exceed the 20 feet limit. The display of single pieces of equipment, products, instruments or any item weighing in excess of 800 pounds is expressly prohibited without the written permission of the Executive Director. The operation of equipment creating disruptive, dangerous or unsafe exhausts, odors, fumes or noise is expressly prohibited.

  14. General
    The International Association for Food Protection reserves the right to rearrange the floor plan and/or relocate any display. The Executive Director of the Association has the right to enforce any and all portions of these Regulations. In interpreting these Regulations, particular attention will be given to preserving the professional and educational nature of the exhibition.