Information for Organizers and Presenters
Important Deadlines
July 2, 2025 - Early Registration Deadline (Prices Increase on TBD)
July 27-30 - IAFP 2025 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Best Practices for IAFP Speakers
IAFP Commercialism Policy
IAFP enforces its Commercialism Policy in order to restrict commercialism in technical manuscripts, graphics, oral presentations, poster presentations, panel discussions, symposium papers, and all other type of submissions and presentations so that scientific merit is not diluted by proprietary secrecy. Click here for the full policy.
Conflict of Interest Statement
All presenters must agree to comply with IAFP's Commercialism Policy. If the presenter has any commercial influence or relationships, they agree that my presentation will be evidence-based and will clearly disclose my relationship to the products/services/procedures from that commercial entity in their poster and/or technical oral presentation. Additionally, the presenter must avoid any appearance of impropriety and will not use this platform for selling or promoting any product, service, procedure, company, or any other means whereby the presenter or others will stand to benefit financially.
Information for Symposium and Roundtable Sessions
- 3-hour sessions have 6, 30-minute talks
- 2-hour sessions have 4, 30-minute talks (scheduled on Wednesday afternoon)
- 1.5-hour sessions have 3, 30-minute talks
4-6 Panelists and up to two discussion moderators. Convenors facilitate Q&A from the audience and have some prepared questions for discussion.
Information for Abstract Presenters
Withdraw Rules - To ensure a successful IAFP Annual Meeting, it is essential for scheduled technical and poster presenters to appear at the time and date specified to give their presentation. Presenters who are unable to present should find a replacement presenter. If it is necessary to withdraw an abstract, IAFP must be notified in writing no later than two weeks prior to the meeting. Withdrawals made after the 2-week deadline will be subject to the non-presentation policy. Failing to present an accepted abstract at the scheduled time and place, or failure to find a replacement presenter will result in the presenter being prohibited from presenting an abstract at any IAFP-sponsored meeting through the conclusion of the next year's Annual Meeting. To withdraw, send an email to Tamara Ford (
Information for Posters
Presentation Information – Each accepted poster will be on display for one day during IAFP 2025 (either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday). Each presenter will be asked to stand at their poster at designated times during the assigned day. Poster presenters will receive their assigned day, presentation times and poster board assignments via e-mail from the IAFP Office. The information is also available in the searchable program.
Poster Size – Freestanding boards 48" high by 96" wide (121.9 cm × 243.8 cm) will be provided for presenting posters. Handouts may be used, but audiovisual equipment will not be available. IAFP will provide push pins to adhere posters to boards. Please note: INCLUDE THE TITLE PROMINENTLY WITHIN YOUR POSTER. POSTER TITLE HEADERS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED.
Board Assignments – You must place your poster on your assigned board. Board assignments can be found in the searchable program. A P1 number means that your poster will be presented on Monday, a P2 number designates Tuesday and a P3 number designates Wednesday. The number after the hyphen designates the board number.
Handouts – Please upload poster handouts using the Speaker's Corner. The handouts will be available to attendees via the IAFP 2025 App. You still must print your poster.
Tube Storage – Storage units will be available in the poster area for you to store poster tubes while your poster is on display. Do not leave poster tubes on the floor by your poster. Place them in the tube storage containers. Please put your name on the tube.
Information for Technical Presentations
Length of Talk – Technical (oral) presentations are 15 minutes long (including questions and answers).
AV and Room Setup – A PC laptop computer, data projector, and screen will be provided in the technical session room.
Session Roles
Please note one person should have no more than 3 roles (speaking or convening) during the Annual Meeting.
Organizers – Developing and proposing the session and contacting potential speakers.
Convenor(s) – The person or people who help the session run smoothly on-site at the Annual Meeting. There should be more than 2 convenors per session.
Note: Organizers can also be convenors.
Student Monitor – Assigned by IAFP Student PDG to help during the session. They wear bright yellow vests. The student monitor will encourage people to find seats and keep the doorways clear. We provide session timing signs for 5, 3 and 0 minutes. The convenor can keep track of speaker’s timing or ask the student session monitor to help.
AV Technicians – We have an AV tech in every session room. They will make certain that the lighting, sound and slides are working properly.
Speakers – It is important that all presentations are delivered in person. Recorded or virtual presentations are not allowed.
Recording – IAFP 2025 sessions are audio recorded and posted on the IAFP website post-meeting. IAFP uses a recording platform for audio-recording presentations. The audio recording is synced to the slide presentation.
Only speakers who grant permission for recording will be recorded. The system default is “yes” to granting permission. Denial of permission means that your presentation will not be available on the IAFP Website after the meeting.
For roundtables, all the panelists must grant permission for the session to be recorded. If one person does not grant permission in a roundtable, the roundtable will not be recorded.
Audience members must use a microphone when asking a question. This will assist in making a complete recording of the session and will also assist audience members who may not be able to hear from across the room. It is the convenor’s responsibility to make certain microphones are being used or repeat the question so that everyone knows what question is being asked.
Registration – All presenters must register for IAFP 2025. To register at the lowest registration price, register by the early registration deadline.
Presenter Changes – It is important to keep the IAFP office up to date if there are any changes to your session. In the event that titles, presenters, etc. change, please send an e-mail immediately to Andrea Belzer (